Digital Media Archive
Browse by Language
- Albanian songs and dances from phonograph records [Geg dialect]
- Albanian Voice of America broadcasts
- Aleko Bimbli sings Albanian songs (1967)
- Eric Hamp’s comments on a Kosovar's speech (1997)
- Gheg Albanian interview (Hamp, Rečice, c. 1963)
- On Albanian words in s- (with discussion) (Hamp)
- U.S.A.F.I. Spoken Albanian (+ Polish Voice of America)
- Voice of America newscast in Albanian of 1/20/96, including an interview with “Albanolog”, Eric P. Hamp
- Vrančišṭạ (dialect of Albanian), recorded by N. Jokl in 1913
- Albanian songs and dances from phonograph records [Geg dialect]
- Albanian Voice of America broadcasts
- Aleko Bimbli sings Albanian songs (1967)
- Eric Hamp’s comments on a Kosovar's speech (1997)
- Gheg Albanian interview (Hamp, Rečice, c. 1963)
- On Albanian words in s- (with discussion) (Hamp)
- U.S.A.F.I. Spoken Albanian (+ Polish Voice of America)
- Voice of America newscast in Albanian of 1/20/96, including an interview with “Albanolog”, Eric P. Hamp
- Vrančišṭạ (dialect of Albanian), recorded by N. Jokl in 1913
- A practical Czech course for English-speaking students
- A practical Czech course for English-speaking students; Czech 201: supplementary drills
- Babička [excerpts]
- Čeština hrou: Czech for fun
- Conversation with Thomas Garrigue Masaryk [excerpt]
- Czech literature
- Czech radio program
- Czech sounds (Linguaphone language courses)
- Dějiny českého divadla: soubor zvukových dokumentů
- Four Czech fairy tales
- Krátký kurs české výslovnosti
- Máj [excerpts]
- Nezval recituje Nezvala
- O Rumcajsovi a jeho synku Cipískovi
- Sprachkurs Tschechisch: Taschenlehrbuch mit drei Schallplatten
- Stůj břzo zelená, Jaroslav Hutka
- Textová cvičebnice českého jazyka
- Three songs from the play Těžká Barbora
- Václav Havel: speech of January 1, 1990
- Vladislav Vančura: Obrazy z dějin národa českého
- Vrba [a poem]