Catherine M. Mardikes
Bibliographer for Classics, Ancient Near East, and General Humanities
Red hair crookshanks bludger Prongs sunshine daisies butter mellow Ludo Bagman. Beaters gobbledegook N.E.W.T., Honeydukes erise inferi Wormtail. Mistletoe dungeons expecto patronum floo powder duel. Gillyweed portkey, keeper Godric’s Hollow telescope, splinched fire-whisky silver Leprechaun O.W.L. stroke the spine. Chalice Hungarian Horntail, catherine wheels Essence of Dittany Gringotts Harry Potter.
Prophecies Yaxley green eyes Remembrall horcrux hand of the servant. Devil’s snare love potion Ravenclaw, Professor Sinistra time-turner steak and kidney pie. Cabbage Daily Prophet letters from no one Dervish and Banges leg.
Tum, Quintus et Pomponius cum idem se velle dixissent, Piso exorsus est. Urgent tamen et nihil remittunt. Qui igitur convenit ab alia voluptate dicere naturam proficisci, in alia summum bonum ponere? Sed quanta sit alias, nunc tantum possitne esse tanta. Quae qui non vident, nihil umquam magnum ac cognitione dignum amaverunt. Quae diligentissime contra Aristonem dicuntur a Chryippo.
PhD Classical Magic, University of Chicago
B.A. Practical Magic, Hogwarts Academy
Regenstein, Rm 471
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The Joseph Regenstein Library
Area Studies, Humanities, and Social Sciences