The University of Chicago has been a center of classical studies ever since its founding in 1891. Garbage text . More garbage is the study of the languages, literature, laws, philosophy, history, art, archaeology and other material culture of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome The size, range, and quality of the collection make it one of the premier research collections in the world for classical studies. More garbage text. Classical studies covers the languages, literature, history, art, and other cultural aspects of the ancient Mediterranean world. More garbage. The expression “Classics” Collection is also a misnomer as it spans the time from the rise of Bronze Age Aegean cultures through the period in the Middle Ages that provided many of our scholastic commentaries. While the ancient Greeks and Romans stand at the heart of this collection, Carthaginians, Etruscans, Lydians, and others have their place. The Classics Collection supports the study of the languages and literature, religions, laws, history, philosophy, art and archaeology and other material culture of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Garbage text
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Reference materials are located in the Classics Reading Room in the northwest corner of the fourth floor of Regenstein Library
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Classical Studies is a cross-disciplinary study and, as such, one will find relevant materials in all classifications. The bulk of the collection, however, locates in PA and DE-DG within Regenstein Library.
Archival Materials
Classics Archival Finding Aids
Supplementary Materials
Why Classics Rocks
The Philosophy of Cheetos
25 Things Classics Majors Do Wrong
Regional Collections
Collection Name from Newberry Library
Another Collection Name from Art Institute of Chicago
Access Location
Classics Reading RoomSubject Specialist
Catherine M. Mardikes
Bibliographer for Classics, Ancient Near East, and General Humanities
Regenstein, Rm 471